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Updated: Mar 21, 2018

Nibud (National Institute for Family Finance Information) is a very well-known and respected independent foundation in the Netherlands that gives information and advice on financial matters of private households. I met with Annette, Robin (who is unfortunately not in the photos) and Minou. They do much research and provide advice about many things, including: debt reduction, budgeting, buying power, death, energy, rent and mortgages, insurance, pensions, savings and care costs. They often do research for municipalities around effectiveness of programs. In the field of youth they have created a set of key competencies for different age groups. It is hoped that they become part of mandatory curriculum in the future, They are currently researching pocket money and vocational money needs. During Week van het Geld they ran a train the trainer course that involved a game to promote discussion about money at home. The participants included child care workers, debt counselors and charity volunteers.

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